The Ark of Yahweh <
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About Our Founder

Born into the Kingdom of YAHWEH as: YirmeYAH 

• YirmeYAH is the Founder, President, and RabbiYAH of the "ARK of YAHWEH" as well as the Founder and President of the The unleavened Mashianic Radio Institute of Scriptural Study, The unleavened Mashianic YAHshivah, The Institute of Hebraic Conferences and The YAHWEH Broadcasting Network.
• He was ordained into the ministry of his Old Faith System (Christianity), in April of 1971.
• For over 30 years YirmeYAH served in non-denominational ministries as an Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, and Prophet.
• In the year 2000, he was ordained as an Apostle, where he received his Apostolic Doctorate in Nevada.

The Unleavened Mashianic Conversion of Yirmeyah Ben Yahweh

After 30 years in ministry, (while in study) YirmeYAH was introduced to Hebraic insights by Ruach HaKodesh (the Spirit of YAHWEH) that changed his life and ministry.

The scripture that he was studying, was a scripture that he had preached and taught on for many years. This scripture was found in MattitYah (Matthew) 4:4, which  read: "IT IS WRITTEN, man shall not live by bread alone, but  by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of YAHWEH" (it reads god, in the King James revised version). It was then that YirmeYAH saw something that he had never seen before in the "first three words" of this scripture. These words were: “IT IS WRITTEN”Suddenly, it dawned upon YirmeYAH that when the Mashiach of Yisrael and  Savior of the World (YAHshua) spoke these words, He was not just referencing a "scriptural text" that was found in the so called "old  testament", but HE (YAHshua) was validating the entire Scriptural Source, that the single text came out of. This Source is called; the ToRaH and TaNaK of YAHWEH.which were Jewish documents.

It was then that YirmeYAH realized that there was a major difference between Hebraic thought and insight in contrast to Greek, Latin, and English thought processes. It was then that YirmeYAH began to connect Hebraic Scriptural dots and said:

• The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, lived in a Jewish body 
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, had "Jewish parents" 
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, resided in a "Jewish community"
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, called and taught "Jewish disciples"
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, attended weekly Shabbat services at a "Jewish Temple" 
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, set under Jewish Rabbi’s, and Teachers from His birth, through His public ministry at the age  of  30 years old 
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, read from "Hebrew Scrolls (Torah / Prophets/ Writings)"
• T
he Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, kept and guarded the Jewish Torah - Shabbat - and Feast days
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, was beaten - slapped - whipped - nailed to a tree - cut/pierced with a sword/spear while  HE  was in a Jewish body
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, had a Crown of thorns placed on and driven into HIS Jewish head
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, was impaled and died in a Jewish body 
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, was buried in a Jewish tomb
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, arose from the dead and grave in a esteemed Jewish body 
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, ascended into heaven in a esteemed Jewish body
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, was sitting at the right hand of the Heavenly Father in a esteemed Jewish body,
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, will return again to earth in a esteemed Jewish body
The Mashiach and Savior of Hebrew scripture, will reign during the millennium as King of Yisrael and Savior of the World, in a esteemed Jewish body

YirmeYAH then realized that being "grafted into Yisrael" was not just a symbolism, it was a HEBRAIC SCRIPTURAL FACT.

YirmeYAH realized that being "grafted into Yisrael" should not be taken abstractly, but concretely. Every believer should understand that when they accepted the Mashiach of Yisrael (YAHshua) they were not only identifying with Father YAHWEH in Shamayim (heaven) but they were also identifying with Yisrael on earth. Every believer should rejoice in knowing that they have not only received an importation from above but they have also received an gratification with a people, nation and land, right here on earth, called "YISRAEL".

This revelation knowledge lead YirmeYAH into accepting the responsibility of looking at scripture through the same eyes that the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world looked at scripture through, and these were the eyes of Yisrael, a people that YAHWEH called out and gave HIS written ToRaH to.

YirmeYAH then began to revamp his study habits. He took his focus off, the non-hebraic thought process of the Greeks, Latins, and English and began re-focusing his attention on the insights and thought process of Yisrael. His study habits and study materials changed completely. He went from using non-Hebraic study materials to using the same study materials and source, that the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world used when HE walked upon the earth, that source being the ToRaH and TaNaK of YAHWEH.

YirmeYAH begin to use the same study source as Shaul (incorrectly called Paul) who said: "Study (ToRaH) to show yourself approved unto YAHWEH". Shaul also said: "ALL SCRIPTURE (ToRaH/TaNaK study source) was given by inspiration of YAHWEH and was good for DOCTRINE, REPROOF, CORRECTION AND INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS".

YirmeYAH began to see the satanic deceptions, lies and flaws of "Replacement Theology" and turned from the err of these Goyim (heathen nations) concepts, and grabbed hold to the un-adulterated TRUTH of YAHWEH that is only found in HIS ToRaH - TaNak - and Hebrew BRiT CHaDaSHaH (incorrectly call: the new testament).

Since this revelation (by Ruach HaKodesh), YirmeYAH has grown in Knowledge (Daat), wisdom (Chochmah), and understanding (Binah) of Hebraic thought and insight as well as the importance of the Hebrew language.

YirmeYAH realizes that Scriptural Truth can only be obtained and understood through the revelation knowledge of Ruach HaKodesh and practiced through the mind-set of Yisrael. 

Since this revelation (by Ruach HaKodesh), YirmeYAH has spent years helping others to grow in the ToRaH - TaNaK and BRiT CHaDaSHaH, glow in their life-styles, and go throughout the earth and into all the world, proclaiming the Name of YAHWEH and YAHshua through the power of YAH-RuaCH KoDeSH

YirmeYAH also teaches the importance and uniqueness of the Hebrew AlephBet and language through the venues of conventions, workshops, and seminars.      

The Wow Factor

Two years after YirmeYAH was introduced into the Faith System of Yisrael, He found out that his grandfather was ETHIOPIAN, a lineage that traced their ancestral roots back to King Solomon, the son of King David, The King of Israel ...WOW...


20  Faith Principles Within the ARK OF YAHWEH 

1. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH, is alone YAHWEH. HE is the Creator, Sovereign King and Ruler of the Universe. HE alone IS our SALVATION through HIS anointed Name of SALVATION YAHshua and HE alone leads, guides, directs and protects His people Yisrael (this includes those that are grafted into Yisrael) through HIS SET APART SPIRIT YAH-Ruach Kodesh.

2. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH is “Echad” (one), and that HE alone is the MIGHTY ONE of Yisrael, who WAS, IS, and forever WILL BE.

3. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH, is alone YAHWEH and can manifest Himself (through His Name) in any manner or way HE  chooses. HEAlone will be and/or will causes to be whatever HE wants to be and/or causes to be.

4. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH is the Aleph (first) and Tav/Taw/Tof (last).

5. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH is the ONLY one that Yisrael is to bend, bow and pray to.
Note: Yisrael is not to bend, bow or pray to any other besides YAHWEH.

6. We believe with perfect faith that all the words of the prophets of YAHWEH (through His ToRaH, TaNaK, and Brit Chadashah) are true.

7. We believe with perfect faith that the prophecies of Mosheh, are true from Aleph to Tav/Taw.

8. We believe with perfect faith that the entire ToRaH/TaNaK of YAHWEH, (that is now in our possession), is the same as it was when Mosheh received it.

9. We believe with perfect faith that the ToRaH of YAHWEH is not to be changed or exchanged for any pseudo Revisions and/or Versions of men.

10. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH knows all the deeds and thoughts of human beings, for it is written, "Who fashioned the hearts of them all,  Who comprehends all their actions"

11. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH rewards those who keep HIS Mitzvot and punishes as well as corrects those that transgress HIS Mitzvot.

12. We believe with perfect faith in the 1st and 2nd coming of the Mashiach (YAHshua); and even though HE may tarry, We await HIS second return every  day.

13. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH manifested Himself through HIS anointed NAME of Salvation YAHshua (the living ToRaH)

14. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH is the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world through HISanointed name of Salvation YAHshua.
Note: YAHshua means:  YAHWEH is Salvation

15. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH secured the salvation of every man through the body, blood, death, burial and resurrection of  HIS  Son YAHshua

16. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH has imparted HIS Spirit (YAH-Ruach Kodesh) within the hearts and  soul/spirit of all those who have called  upon HIS Name of salvation....."YAHshua"

17. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH has placed the Written and Oral ToRaH in the soul and spirit of all those who have called upon the Name of  the Living ToRaH ... YAHshua

18. We believe with perfect faith that there will be a resurrection of the dead (both of the just and unjust) at the time it  please YAHWEH and that the  NAME of YAHWEH shall be exalted in the heavens and upon the earth for ever and ever.

19. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH enters into the lives (spirit/soul) of all that call upon His Name of SalvationYAHshua, thereby giving all that  receive HIM, Eternal Life in Olam Habah through HIS NAME.

20. We believe with perfect faith that YAHWEH desires HIS people (Yisrael) to walk in fellowship with HIM by keeping the same Mitzvot (teachings - instructions - guidelines - directives - pathways - insights) that YAHshua HIS son kept when He walked upon this earth.