Welcome To The World Of Hebraic Blessings & Prayers
SHeMa: Hear O' Yisrael |
Hear O Yisrael, YAHWEH our All MIIGHTY is Echad (YAHWEH Alone, there is non-other above or equal with HIM). And you shall love YAHWEH your Father with all of your "heart" (desires), with all of your "Soul" (thought and emotions), and with all your "Might" (the things that you do as well as your lively-hood and sustenance). And these words which I command you this day shall be in your "heart" (desires). You shall teach them with diligence to your children. Speaking of them when you are; sitting at home, when you are walking around, when you are getting ready for bed, and when you get up from your bed. And you shall bind (attach) these words for a symbol upon your arm. And you shall place these words on your forehead as a tefillin. And you shall write these words as a Mezuzah upon the door post of your house and upon your gates.
Note: Also read Deuteronomy 11:13-21 and Numbers 15:37-41
Mashianic Amidah: |
Note: Contact us via our E-mail (drbowersssd@yahoo.com) for this blessing/prayer.
Modeh Ani: (The Awakening blessing/prayer)
I thank You Living and Eternal King, for returning my soul/spirit within me in compassion. Great is Your faithfulness.
Note: Should be said the moment you open your eyes from sleep
Netilat Yadayim: (The Hand- washing blessing)
Blessed are You YAHWEH our MIGHTY ONE, Creator - Sovereing King and Ruler of the Universe, who has SET ME APART with Your Mitzvot and commanded me concerning the washing of the hands.
Morning blessing/ prayer: |
Blessed are you YAHWEH, who revives the dead. I have sinned before You and awake by Your favor. May it be acceptable before You Father YAHWEH, to grant me a good heart, a happy lot, a good inclination, a good friend, a good name, a generous eye, a liberal soul and a humble spirit. May not Your name ever be profaned through me, and let me not become a by- word among my fellow creatures. May my fate not be cut off by You, through my sinfulness, nor my hope turn to despair or dependency upon others, for their gift is small but the shame they inflect is great. Set my portion in Your ToRaH with those who perform your will.
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH-Ruach Kodesh... Ameyn
General blessing/ prayer: |
May it be Your will Father YAHWEH , to grant me (1) a long life, (2) a life of Shalom, (3) a life of good (4) a life of blessing, (5) a life of sustenance, (6) a life of bodily vigor and health, (7) a life marked by the fear of sin, (8) a life free from shame - condemnation - guilt and reproach, (9) a life of prosperity and honor (10) a life in which the love of the ToRaH and Your entire WORD cleaves to me, (11) a life wherein You fulfill all the desires of my heart for good (12) a life that is full of the life of YAH shua the Mashiach of Yisrael.
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH-Ruach Kodesh... Ameyn
Atonement blessing/ prayer: |
O YAHWEH, I have committed iniquities, transgressions, and I have sinned before you (privately and publicly). I beseech You by Your anointed name of Salvation YAHshua, to forgive me for all of my iniquities, transgressions and sins that I have committed before You and against You. As it is written in the ToRaH " For on this day shall atonement be made for me, to cleanse me from all of my sins, and I shall be cleansed before YAHWEH."
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH-Ruach Kodesh... Ameyn
ToRaH blessing/ prayer: |
Blessed are You Father YAHWEH the Creator - Sovereign King and Ruler of the Universe, who has SET ME APART by Your Mitzvot (incorrectly called commandments) and commanded me to occupy myself with the words of Your ToRaH.
May I and my offspring, and my offspring's offspring and all the offspring of Your people Yisrael, Know Your Name and occupy ourselves with Your ToRaH for the sake of fulfilling Your desire.
Blessed are You YAHWEH who teaches ToRaH to Your Brit Am (covenant people). Blessed are You YAHWEH, who has chosen us from all nations and given us Your ToRaH.
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH-Ruach Kodesh... Ameyn
Shabbat Evening prayer: |
From out of Your love Father YAHWEH, you did love us Your people, and from out of Your compassion O King, You didst feel for the children of Your covenant and gave us this great and SET APART seventh day to meet with You... HalleluYAH
Journey blessing/ prayer: |
May it be Your will Father YAHWEH, to lead me in Shalom, to direct my steps in Shalom, to uphold and support me in Shalom. Lead me in life tranquil and serene, deliver me from every plot, ploy, plan, ambush and scheme of every enemy by the way, until I arrive at my destination. Send a blessing upon the work(s) of my hands, and let me obtain favor(Hen) - loving kindness (chessed) and mercy (rachamin) in Your eyes, and in the eyes of all those who behold me this day. Blessed are You YAH WEH, who harkens unto my prayer.
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH-Ruach Kodesh... Ameyn
Before meal blessing: |
Blessed are You Father YAHWEH our MIGHTY ONE, the Creator - Sovereign King and Ruler of the Universe, who is the provider of bread from the earth.
We thank You Father YAHWEH, our Creator, for the miracle of sustenance. Beyond our comprehension are the changes whereby the food we eat is transformed into the flesh and blood of our bodies, renewing our energy and enabling us to live - feel - think - work- love - proclaim - serve, and to live for You.
We are grateful that You have stored within the earth all that mankind needs for their maintenance. We also acknowledge that only generousness, goodwill and cooperative labor is required to supply every human being with enough to eat. This is in accordance to the precepts of Your ToRaH.
It is only because of the follies, greed, selfishness and sins of mankind (refusing to help others), that some go hungry while others have more then they need for food.
Father YAHWEH, endow us Your children, with the sympathy - compassion - wisdom, and understanding to apportion to every person according to their need, a share of the bounty You would have all to enjoy.
Father YAHWEH, you are THE SOURCE of ALL BLESSING and You ALONE have provided enough for all.
Father YAHWEH, we thank you.. HalleluYAH.
After meal blessing: |
I beseech You Father YAHWEH, let me not be in need either of the gifts of flesh and blood, human beings or of their loans, but only of Your helping hand which is full, open, ample and SET APART to Your creation, so that we may not be ashamed nor confounded for every and ever.
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH-Ruach Kodesh... Ameyn
Restroom blessing/ prayer: |
Blessed are You YAHWEH, Creator - Sovereign King and Ruler of the Universe, who has formed man in wisdom and created in him many orifices and vessels. It is revealed and known before the throne of Your Esteem that if one of these (orifices/vessels) be closed it would be impossible for us to exist and to stand before You. Blessed are You YAHWEH, who heals all flesh and does wondrous things.
Note: This blessing/prayer should not be spoken in the bathroom area but rather outside of the general bathroom area.
Deliverance prayer 1(Daily) |
O YAHWEH, Guard my tongue from evil, and my lips from speaking guile, and to those who curse me let my soul be dumb, yes let my soul be unto all as the dust. Open my heart to Your ToRaH, deliver me from all mishaps - evil impulses - evil men/women, and from all evil which breaks forth upon the world this day. If any design evil against me, speedily make their counsel of none effect, and frustrate their designs. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before You, YAHWEH my Rock and Redeemer.
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH- Ruach Kodesh ... Ameyn
Deliverance prayer 2: (Against the adversary)
May YAHWEH bless me and prosper me in all my possessions.
The adversary (Ha Satan) has no power over me - my family - my possessions nor the works of my hands. No thoughts of sin - iniquities - or trespasses shall come near me nor my dwelling places. No sicknesses, diseases or infirmities shall manifest themselves on or within my body/soul. No work or weapon of the adversary (Ha Satan - his demon or devils) shall manifest themselves in my presence or in the presence of my family.
The name of YAHWEH, now rebukes every vice and work of Satan and therefore Nothing, by any means or by any form shall hurt me.
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH-Ruach Kodesh... Ameyn
Deliverance prayer 3: (Against Evil inclination) |
Father YAHWEH, may You break and cause to cease the yoke of the evil impulse from my heart (desires), for You have created me to perform Your will, and so I am bound to do. Such is Your desire and such is my desire too, but what impedes me? Sin, which is the leaven in the dough. It is revealed and known before You Father YAHWEH that I have not the strength in my flesh to resist it.
May it therefore be acceptable before You Father YAHWEH, that You cause the evil inclination to cease from working upon me. I ask that the evil inclination be subdue, so that I may do Your will, as my will, with a perfect heart.
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH-Ruach Kodesh... Ameyn
Deliverance prayer 4: (Against demonic attack) |
Father YAHWEH Your name now rebukes and binds all satanic and demonic spirits with their influences that have been assigned and/or dispatched and/or directed against me. The name of YAHWEH now causes all satanic and demonic spirits with their influences, that have been assigned and/or dispatched and/or directed against me to be Split - Accursed - Broken - Bound - Banned and cast into TEHOM in the sea.
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH-Ruach Kodesh... Ameyn
Surgery/ Operation blessing/prayer: |
Father YAHWEH, You alone are the faithful healer, and it is through Your Name of Salvation YAHshua that I enter into, and come out of this operation successfully. It is through Your name of Salvation YAHshua that I recover and therefore decree that I am made whole.
Thank You Father YAHWEH for being YAH-Rophecah (YAHWEH, my healer). I give You all the praise - honor - and esteem. HalleluYAH.
Intercessory Healing (blessing/prayer for others): |
Father YAHWEH, You are the Creator of our Soul - Spirit - and Body. You are our Fountain of Life. You are the Source of our strength. You are our ever-present help in time of trouble. You are near to all who call upon Your Name in Truth. With an expectant heart, I turn to You through intercessory prayer on behalf of Name individual .
Name individual is sick in his/her body - soul - mind - emotions.
Father YAHWEH accept my prayer for his/her healing and recovery. May his/her pain be allayed and may he/she be restored to health as well as renewed to usefulness. Endow him/her with the Power of Your Spirit (YAH-Ruach Kodesh) to turn away his/her sufferings and Heal him/her even now. Grant Name individual Your strength to overcome this trial of his/her faith courageously and victoriously.
Father YAHWEH, grant the people that You send to Name individual the wisdom, faith, and patience (in large measure) to intercede effectively for Name individual.
I ask You Father YAHWEH to manifest this request, through Your anointed name of Salvation YAHshua. I believe that it has been done through the Power of Your Shekhinah presence YAH-Ruach Kodesh........Ameyn
Evening meditation prayer: |
Father YAHWEH, You are the source of all blessings. You are the Creator - Sovereign King - and Ruler of the Universe, who by Your Word brings on the evenings.
With Wisdom (chochmah), You open the gates of heaven (shamayim) and with Understanding (Binah), You change the times and cause the seasons to alter. You arrange the stars in their orbits in the sky according to Your will. You Create (barah) day and night. You role away light before the darkness and the darkness before the light. You cause the day to pass and the night to come. You make the distinction between day and night, YAHWEH IS YOUR NAME.
Infinite and ETERNAL ONE, may You reign over me forever and ever. Father YAHWEH, You are the Source of all my blessings and You alone bring on this evening.
Father YAHWEH the Creator, grant that I may lie down in SHALOM, and that I may rise again, O my Sovereign King, to life. Spread over me Your shelter of SHALOM, and direct me with Your good counsel. Save me for Your Name sake.
Shield me, and remove from my midst every plot - ploy - plan - abush and scheme of hasatan, his demons, devils, principalities and powers. Remove every sword (weapon of violence) that is formed against me, as well as all famine - grief - sickness - disease and infirmity. Remove all works of the adversary (hasatan) from my way.
Father YAHWEH the Creator, shelter me in the shadow of Your wings, for You are my protecting and saving creator. You are indeed the merciful Creator, Sovereign king, and Ruler of the Universe.
Guard my going out and coming in, for life and Shalom henceforth and forever. Source of all my blessings are You Father YAHWEH, and You alone are the guardian of Your people - nation - and land that You have called; "Yisrael".
HalleluYAH (praise YAHWEH)
Evening retirement prayer: |
Father YAHWEH, You are the Creator - Sovereign King - and Ruler of the Universe, who closes my eyes in sleep, and my eyelids in slumber.
May it be Your will, Father YAHWEH, to grant that I may lie down in Your SHALOM and rise-up again in Your SHALOM.
Grant this request in the name of YAHWEH, through YAHshua, by the Power of Your Spirit YAH-Ruach Kodesh... Ameyn