Hebrew Glossary
For more in-deph information about any word listed below, please contact us.
Aaron: |
(a) (1397-1273 BCE) - (b) Son of Amram and Jochebed - (c) Brother of Miriam and Moses - (d) Moses’ partner and spokesman in his mission to free the Israelites from Egypt - (e) First High Priest and patriarch of the Priestly Family - (f) A man who loved peace and always sought to bring conflicting parties to reconciliation - (g) Died in the desert, shortly before the Israelites entered Canaan. |
Abel: |
(a) Son of Adam and Eve - (b) A shepherd - (c) Slain by his brother Cain after YAHWEH accepted his sacrifice and not Cain's |
Abraham: |
(a) (1813-1638 BCE) - (b) The first of the three Patriarchs - (c) He discovered YAHWEH on his own and rejected the idolatry of his contemporaries - (d) YAHWEH commanded him to travel from his Mesopotamian (his homeland) to Canaan - (e) He bequeathed the land to his descendants in the Covenant between the Parts - (f) He successfully withstood ten tests with which YAHWEH challenged him, including the Binding of Isaac - (g) Husband of Sarah and Hagar - (h) Father of Ishmael - (i) Father of Isaac (his heir) |
Action, The World of: |
(lit. “deed”); a terminology, that refers to the lowest of the four spiritual worlds, the final level in the creative process which includes the physical universe |
Adam: |
(a) (3760-2830 BCE) - (b) The first man - (c) Created by YAHWEH - (d) Wife was Eve, and together they are the progenitors of the human race - (e) Placed in the Garden of Eden - (f) Banished from the Garden of Eden after eating from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge |
Adam Kadmon: |
(lit. "primordial man") a mystic primordial level within the Character of YAHWEH |
Adar, Month of: |
Twelfth month in the Jewish calendar; the month in which Purim is celebrated |
Ahavah: |
Love, affection |
Akedah: |
(lit. “the binding”); Abraham’s preparation of Isaac as a sacrifice |
Al Chet: |
(lit. "for the sin"); a confession of sins in alphabetic order, recited on Yom Kippur |
Al HaNissim: |
(lit. “and for the miracles”); the opening phrase of a passage included in the daily prayers and the grace after meals on Chanukah and Purim, thankfully acknowledging the miracles that YAHWEH wrought on those days |
Aleichem Shalom: |
(lit. “upon you, peace”); response to the greeting of Shalom Aleichem |
Aleinu: |
(lit. "it is our duty"); concluding prayer of each of the daily services |
Aleph: |
(a) The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, a silent letter - (b) Numerical value of 1 |
Individual Hebrew letters that Father YAHWEH filled with HIS meaning and gave to Yisrael. They are called: Building blocks because ToRaH scholars believe that they were used by Father YAHWEH to Create all things. The number of individual letters range between 22, 27, or 26 depending on the PaRDeS level being used. |
ALePHBeT system: |
A HEBREW communication system that Father YAHWEH spoke into existence and used as building blocks to create all things "in the beginning". |
AliYAH: |
'Going up' to the Bimah to read from the Torah. Since the Torah is read at services on Monday, Thursday and Shabbat as well as all Yom Tovim the honor of reading is given to various members of the congregation. |
Am: |
People |
Ameyn |
Meaning: It has been done (nothing can be added and nothing can be taken)
Non-Hebraic Translators should have never changed Ameyn to Amen. The Hebrew word Ameyn means: IT HAS BEEN DONE. The non-Hebraic word Amen comes from pagan roots. Amen is the prefix of the pagan Egyptian/Babylonian deity AmenRA. Non-Hebraic translators dropped to suffix "RA".
Christianity attached the meaning to Amen as: So be it. The problem is that when a Christian says AMEN, they are saying "so be it" to a pagan deity.
Scriptural Truth Seekers should ONLY us the word "Ameyn"
Amidah: |
The 18 prayers (Shmona Esrei) that are part of every service. Also called silent devotion or Tefilah. |
Appointed times: |
Spectific times in scripture (ToRaH) that Father YAHWEH told Yisrael to meet with HIM. There are a total of 8 major appointed times yearly, that all Yisrael is to meet with Father YAHWEH. |
Amram: |
(a) Grandson of Levi - (b) Husband of Jochebed - (c) Father of Miriam, Aaron and Moses - (d) Leader of the Israelites while they were enslaved in Egypt |
Amud: |
(lit. "column"); prayer lectern where the chazan-cantor stands when leading the prayers |
Aneinu: |
(lit. “answer us”); supplication added to the Shemoneh Esreh on a fast-day |
Ani Ma'amin |
Literally: I believe |
Anochi: |
(lit. “I am”); the first word of the Aseret HaDibrot (incorrectly called the Ten Commandments), a reference to the essence of YAHWEH |
Antiochus IV Epiphanes: |
(a) 2nd century BCE - (b) Greek-Syrian emperor - (c) Desecrated the Set Apart Temple of Yisrael - (d) Enacted laws against the ToRaH practices of Yisrael during the Second Temple era - (e) The Maccabees fought, and miraculously defeated his armies |
Arba Shomrim: |
(lit. "four guardians") A "shomer," or guardian, is someone responsible for an object belonging to another. The Torah describes four types of guardians, each with a varying degree of responsibility: 1) the unpaid guardian, 2) the paid guardian, 3) the borrower and 4) the renter.
Ariel: |
(lit. lion of YAHWEH) (a) YAHrushalyim (b) the Set Apart Temple in YAHrushalayim |
Aron KODESH: |
The enclosure where the Torahs are kept, usually tastefully decorated with sacred symbols. |
Arvit: |
(lit. "evening") The evening prayer services |
Aseret HaDibrot (English translation: Ten Commandments) |
In Hebrew this term means: The Ten Utterances); The following were the Ten Commandments, or Ten Utterances of YAHWEH to the People of Yisrael at Mt. Sinai, which form the moral underpinning of human civilization.
1. "Anochi YAHWEH El-o-ke-cha (YAH-o-ke-cha)…": "I am the YAHWEH your MIGHTY ONE, etc." - To have faith in YAHWEH'S exitence, His concern for the world, His inter-vention at will in the affairs of the world, and His infinite might.
2. "Lo Yiheheh Lecha …": "You shall not recognize the gods of others in My presence, etc." - the prohibition against idolatry. One of the three Cardinal Sins, for which one must give up one's life rather than violate it.
3. "Lo Tisa …": You shall not take the Name of YAHWEH, your MIGHTY ONE in vain, etc." - Do not disgrace YAHWEH’S Name by using it for no valid purpose.
4. Version A: "Zachor et Yom HaShabbat L'Kadesho …": "Remember the Day of Shabbat to Keep it Kadosh (Set Apart), etc. - Set Apart the “Day of Shabbat” by treating it as a “Day of Delight”, and by the recitation of Kiddush, etc. (Shemot 20:8-11)
Version B: "Shamor et Yom HaShabbat L'Kadesho…": "Protect the Day of Shabbat to Keep it Kadosh (Set Apart), etc" - Observe the “Day of Shabbat” as a “Day of Rest” by refraining from "Melacha," creative, purposeful interaction with nature, etc. (Devarim 5:12-15)
5. "Kabed et avicha v'et imecha…": "Honor your Father and your Mother…" - Honor-ing one's parents is considered a basic commandment in the Faith System of Yisrael from the per-spective that there are three partners involved in the creation of a human being: (1) one's parents (Father and Mother) and (2) YAHWEH Himself. That is why this Com-mandment is included with the first five, which are considered basically between Man and his Creator.
6. "Lo Tirtzach": "You shall not Murder" - Since the human being is created in the "image of YAHWEH," the level of seriousness of violation of this commandment should not be minimized. Certain taking of life is sanctioned by the Torah, as is the case in the "arba mitot bet din," the four forms of capital punishment, which are at least theore-tically part of the legal code of the Torah; or the taking of life involved in a "milchemet mitzvah," "an obligatory war." However, outside of the limited exceptions, the dimin-ution of the "Tzelem Elokim," the "image of YAHWEH" in the world is one of the three Cardinal crimes, for which one must give up his or her life, rather than violate.
7. "Lo Tinaf": "You shall not commit adultery" - Strictly speaking, this prohibition involves cohabiting with a married woman; this is another of the Three Cardinal Sins, regarding which one must forfeit his life rather than violating.
8. "Lo Tignov": Literally, this means "You shall not steal;" however, this Command-ment has been interpreted to refer to only one kind of theft; namely, to someone who kidnaps a person, forces him or her to work for him, and then sells him or her into slavery. This, like the previous prohibitions mentioned in the verse, murder and adul-tery, is a Capital Crime; that is, punishable by the death - penalty. "Garden-variety" stealing is prohibited by the Torah in Vayikra 19:11, where it says "You shall not steal, you shall not deny falsely, and you should not lie one to another."
9. "Lo Taaneh ve'reacha ed shaker": "Do not give false testimony against your neigh-bor." Giving testimony is a very serious matter in the Faith System of Yisrael; one then has the power with words to directly affect someone else's life.
10. "Lo Tachmod beit reiecha,…": "You shall not covet your fellow's house. You shall not covet your fellow's wife, his manservant, his maidservant, his ox, his donkey, nor anything that belongs to your fellow." This is an area where the Torah legislates regarding a person's inner thoughts and feelings. Only a YAHWEH the Lawgiver could possibly legislate in this way, for He knows our innermost thoughts and feelings. The meaning of the prohibition is that a person should regard another's possessions as totally beyond his possibility of acquisition
Aseret Yemei Teshuvah |
The ten days of penitence betwee Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur |
A Jew who originated from Europe (Ashkenaz=Germany). By and large they spoke Yiddish and had similar customs and practises. |
Ashrey |
Psalm 145 recited thrice daily |
Assiah; World of Action, The: |
(lit. “deed”); This refers to the lowest of the four spiritual worlds, the final level in the creative process which includes the physical universe |
Atonement: |
(lit. “return”); repentance, return to YAHWEH through HIS ToRaH |
Atzilut; World of Emanation, The: |
(lit. “emanation”); the highest of the four spiritual worlds, the realm of spiritual existence which, although encompassing attributes which have a specific definition, is in a state of infinity and at one with the Infinite Light of YAHWEH |
Atzvut: |
Sadness; a heavy-hearted sense of depression |
Aufruf: |
The ceremony wherein a groom is called up to the Torah on the Shabbat before his wedding. |
Authentic: |
Undisputed origin, genuine |
Av, month of: |
The fifth month of year, corresponding to July-August; the month in which both Temples were destroyed; also called Menachem Av |
Aveirah: |
(lit. "transgression"); a transgression of one of the Mitzvah of the ToRaH |
Avinu: |
lit. “our father” |
Avodah: |
Service, spiritual work |
Awe of YAHWEH: |
The fear, which compels us to refrain from sin. Divided into lower and higher levels: Yirah Ila'ah (supernal fear) is the awe that we feel when contemplating the greatness of YAHWEH, Yirah Tata'ah is fear of the negative consequences that result from sin |
Ayin: |
The sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, with a numerical value of 70 |
Ayin Hara: |
Evil Eye |
Azazel: |
(a) A rocky cliff from which a goat was pushed to its death on Yom Kippur (Leviticus, ch. 16). (b) The goat that was cast to its death. |
Bagel |
Donut-shaped bread that is boiled before it is baked. |
Bamidbar |
The fourth book of the Five Books of Moses. It literally means:"In the Desert," because it deals with Yisrel as the wondered in the desert for forty years. It begins with the census of the People of Israel in the Desert (hence, "Numbers"). It is also known as the "Saddest Book of the Five Books of ToRaH. |
Coming of age (13 for boys and 12 for girls), when they are considered as adults in their obligation in Torah and the commandments. |
Barchu |
Call upon the congregation to bless YAHWEH |
Basar: |
To announce (glad news):-messenger, preach, publish, shew forth, (bear, bring, carry, preach, good, tell good) tidings.... Good news |
Bat: |
Daughter |
Batlanim |
A scholarly Jewish TEACHER who was either independently wealthy or on some type of support so he could be available to provide the congregation with accurate academics and answers |
Bayit |
A “house or human being” |
B.C.E. |
Before the Common (or Christian) Era.
Before the common era. |
Beginning of Day |
A day on the calendar of Yisrael, begins at sunset (when 3 stars appear in the evening). |
"House of Judgment [Law]". The court of Yisrael |
Beit Knesset |
Literally, house of assembly. A Hebrew term for a synagogue. |
Communal House of Study. |
Kadosh House, The SET APART TEMPLE in YAHrushalyim |
Ben: |
Son, descendant (plural B'nei=children) |
Berakhah |
A blessing given by one to another, A prayer beginning with the phrase "barukh atah |
Berachot Hashachar (al. Birchot, Brachot) |
The blessings of awakening recited each morning. |
Bereshit |
The first of the Five Books of Moses |
Second letter iin the Hebrew AlephBet. The letter means: House/household, Dwelling, Family, Fence, Shelter, Manifestation, The body/covering of the soul. The numeric value of Bet is 2,20,200,2000 which symbolizes "restoration of relationship. |
Beyt/Beth: |
House, household, place |
Beyt Knesset: |
House of assembly = synagogue |
Bikkur: |
Firstborn, first fruit |
The raised dais at the front of the synagogue (in the center in Sephardic synagogues) usually facing the east to Jerusalem, where the officiants stand and lead the service. |
Binah |
(Understanding; Analysis): (lit. "comprehension"); the second sifirah of the ten Sefirot, the second stage of the intellectual process, the power that develops abstract conception of chochmah, giving it breadth and depth |
Blessing after meals. |
A blessing that is said before eating various foods (wine, bread, fruits, vegetables), on experiencing some natural or human wonder or significant event and before many religious rituals. All blessings begin with Blessed art thou YAHWEH our MIGHTY ONE, King of the universe who etc. |
B'rit: |
Covenant (cutting) |
Renewed Covenant. The goyim church incorrectly replaced it with the word:"New Testament". |
B'rit Milah: |
Covenant of circumcision |
Building blocks: |
Associated with the letters of the Hebrew AlephBet. ToRaH scholars believe that Hebrew letters were used by Father YAHWEH to create the Heaven and the Earth and all that dwells therein.
Chacham |
Wisdom or a wise man |
Chachamah |
Wisdom or a wise woman |
Chadash |
Make new, renew |
Chai: |
Life, to be alive |
Chag: |
Kadosh (Set Apart) festival |
Chametz |
Fermented or leavened wheat, rye, oats, spelt and barley. When these grains come in contact with water, they leaven within 18 minutes. |
Chatan |
Bridegroom; a man who is "Mekadesh" towards his "Kallah;" (espoused wife) |
Chatunah |
A wedding. The ceremony at which the Chatan and Kallah are united as man and wife |
Chaver |
A male friend |
Chaverah |
A female friend |
Chayim: |
Life, Living: pl. as in Mayim [water] Chayim [living] |
Chesed (Benevolence; Love): |
(lit. "kindness - favor - overflowing loving-kindness"); used to refer to the fourth sefira of YAHWEH which parallels the human qualities and thus is associated with the dispersion of the light and energy of YAHWEH to lower levels of existence
Chochmah |
(lit. "wisdom; conceptual knowledge"); Refers to the first sifrah of the ten sefirot, or emanations of YAHWEH and the first of the intellectual powers of the soul
Chodesh: |
Moon, a month |
Chupah |
Bridal canopy |
Daat (Knowledge; Awareness; Connection) |
(lit. "knowledge"); the third sifrah of the ten sefirot, or emanations of YAHWEH; the third stage of the intellectual process at which concepts, having proceeded from Chochmah through Binah, now mature into their corresponding dispositions or attributes of character |
Dam |
Blood |
Daven |
To pray |
Devarim |
The fifth of the Five Books of Mosheh incorrectly called Deuteronomy |
Echad: |
One and Only |
E-l |
A TITLE that refers to a god. The term EL was used by pagan nations to describe their deities as Almighty entities. The major Hebrew word used to describe the relationship that YAHWEH had with Yisrael was no EL - IT WAS “AB/AV” and meant “FATHER”. YAHWEH IS THE FATHER OF YISRAEL HIS CHILDREN.
The “E” in EL is really not an “E” which is a vowel in Hebrew. The “E” is actually a concealment for the Hebrew Silent Letter ALEPH which numerically equals the Eternal Letters that form the Name YAHWEH. The descriptive Title hidden in the Hebrew Letter “E” relates to YAHWEH who is the ALMIGHTY ECHAD (ONE)
Emmet |
Truth that is revealed through the Hebrew Aleph-bet from Aleph to Tav which is a core value recommended for human behavior in the ToRaH; as we say in the Prayer of "Shema Yisrael," (Understand, O Israel, YAHWEH your Mighty One is YAHWEH ALONE) |
Emunah: |
Faith, firm, trustworthy |
Ephraim: |
Joseph's younger son; Northern Kingdom |
Eretz /Aretz: |
Land (e.g., Eretz Israel); Earth |
Erev |
Evening |
Erev Shabbat: |
Shabbat evening |
Eser Makot |
Ten Plagues (the ten punishments administered by YAHWEH to the Egyptians):
1. "Dam" - All the water in Egypt turned to blood, including the waters of the Nile, the source of Egypt's wealth and economy
2. "Tzefardea" - Frogs; a total frog invasion of the Land of Egypt
3. "Kinim" - Lice; Pharaoh's magician's admitted that they had no power over creatures as small as lice; they described it as "a finger of YAHWEH"
4. "Arov" - Swarms of wild beasts; this was first of the plagues which showed YAHWEH’S mastery over the land.
5. "Dever" - Epidemic of pestilence against the livestock of Egypt
6. "Shechin" - Boils, or smallpox, which affected the magicians and all the Egyptian population
7. "Barad" - Severe hailstorm with killing potential; mixed with violent thunder and lightning
8. "Arbeh" - Total locust infestation of all the cropland of Egypt; what remained after the hail was consumed by the locusts
9. "Choshech" - Palpable darkness in which the Egyptians could not move
10. "Makat Bechorot" - Killing of the Egyptian first-born; YAHWEH "Passed Over" the houses of the Jewish People (origin of the name of the holiday of Passover, or "Pesach"), who had smeared the blood of the Pesach sacrifice on their doorposts. This plague "broke the back" of the Egyptians and, in particular, broke the arrogance and resistance of Pharaoh, who now "chased," so to speak, the Jewish People out of Egypt.
Even: |
Building stone |
Feast day: |
A scriptural appointed time to meet with Father YAHWEH and celebrate HIS purpose for that specific day
Four Eternal letters or The four letter Eternal Name |
The "four Eternal letters" are *YHWH/YHVH. The Hebrew vowel "A" is placed underneath the consonant Hebrew letter "Y". the Hebrew vowel "E" is placed underneath the consonant letter "W", making the pronunciation of the Four Letter Eternal Name "YAHWEH or YAHVEH".
Note: *YAHWEH is the Sephardic (Paleo times) pronunciation. YAHVEH is the Ashkenazic (German) pronunciation.
Gevurah (Might; Restraint): |
(a) lit. “might” - (b) The fifth sifrah of YAHWEH (c) Associated with the holding back of the revelation of YAHWEH and restricting the dispersion of the light of YAHWEH to lower levels of existence |
Goyim: |
Nations or Gentiles |
Grafted into Yisrael |
A process whereby both jews and gentiles enter into a relationship with YAHWEH through the two-fold finished work of YAHshua.
The first finished work of YAHshua was that He kept every dot and tittle of the Mitzvot of YAHWEH, which classified Him as ToRaH-ful/sinless, and qualified Him as the Mashiach of Yisrael.
Note: Without the above first finished work of YAHshua there would be no Second Finished work of YAHshua because the Second Finished work was dependent upon the First finished work.
The second finished work of YAHshua was that of paying the penalty of death for our ToRaH-less-ness/sins on the tree of Golgotha. He bore our ToRaH-less-ness/sins on HIS body and now we can declare "that with HIS stripes we (both jews and gentiles) are healed".
The finished work of YAHshua has made it possible that both jews and gentiles have access to a relationship with YAHWEH whereby we can know HIM, not only as the Creator, Sovereign King, and Ruler of the Universe BUT as our FATHER
Halachah |
Is used in two senses: (1) a singular Rabbinic Jewish Law (2) a collective noun, referring to "all Rabbinic Jewish Law. |
HalleluYAH |
Hebrew meaning: Praise YAHWEH
This word does not mean "Praise the Lord". Neither is it spelled with a "J"
HaMotzi: |
"Who brings forth"; blessing over bread |
Ham 'Vorach': |
One who is to be blessed |
HaShem: |
"The Name" (frequently used by some Jewish sects, to replace and/or substitute the name of YAHWEH) |
Havdallah: |
Distinction (ceremony ending Shabbat) |
Hebraic |
Language, Customs, Religious views, mind and thought process of Yisrael. Anything dealing with the Roots of Yisrael |
Hebrew scripture |
The compilation of the Hebrew TaNaK, includes (1) the ToRaH (first five books given to Mosheh from YAHWEH, (2) the prophetical books of the Neviim (Prophets) of Yisrael (3) the Ketuviim (writings) of Kadosh (Set Apart) men of Yisrael.
Orthodox, Conservative and Reformed sects (denominations) of Yisrael consider the TaNaK as only encompassing those books from Bereshit (Genesis) to Malaki (Malachi).
Messianic sects (denominations) of Yisrael consider the TaNaK as encompassing the entirety of scripture from Bereshit (Genesis) through Revelation, of the Brit Chadashah.
Hineh: |
Behold! Here (is) |
Hod: |
(a) lit. “splendor” - (b) The eighth sifrah of YAHWEH, corresponding with mortal “middot, or spiritual emotions” |
Ish: |
Man |
Ishah: |
Woman |
Iyar: |
Second month of the year, counting from Nisan, the first month |
Jacob |
Hebrew name is "YaHakov" |
Jehovah: |
A mistranslation of the Hebrew Eternal Name YAHWEH |
Jew (YAHudim) |
An individual who is covenant with the Mighty One (YAHWEH) of Yisrael. The "Mission Statement" of Yisrael is to be a "Kingdom of Priests and a Kodosh (Set Apart) Nation.
According to strict Halachah, the answer to the question is clear. A Jew is someone who either … is a child of a Jewish mother or is a Convert to Judaism who, after a period of serious and verified study of the Principles of the Faith and the Laws of Judaism, has done the following:
1. Accepted upon Himself or Herself the "Yoke of the “Kingdom of Heaven” and the “Yoke of the Mitzvot (Commandments) of YAHWEH."
2. Immersed Him or Herself in a Ritual Pool of Water known as a "Mikveh," symbolizing Rebirth
3. If a male, has undergone the Process of "Brit Milah," Circumcision.
Thus, by birth or conversion, this individual has joined a family unique in the History of the World. Though very small in numbers, the family of the Jewish People is commanded to be a role model to the world, teaching that Man is a Servant, not to man but to YAHWEH, in the sense that each individual must live their life according to the Mitzvot (Commands) of YAHWEH their Creator
Job |
Hebrew name is "Iyov" |
Kadosh |
Something that has been SET APART by YAHWEH, for HIS service |
Kallah |
A bride; who accepts an object of value, generally a ring, from a man, her "Chatan," |
Kashrut |
Meaning: fit, proper, or correct |
Kavanah |
Conscious thought, intention, concentration especially during prayer |
Kavod: |
Imprint of YAHWEH, Image of YAHWEH, Esteem, weighty, importance, |
Kedushah |
Two related meanings:
1) holiness; A fundamental within the Faith System of Yisrael. The basic meaning is separation from the "general" and dedication to the "particular," as in the "Kiddushin," betrothal, of a "kallah," (bride), to her "chasan," (groom). In this context, she dedicates herself to him exclusively, out of the population of all the men in the world, as he in turn promises to her absolute loyalty and protective concern. Similarly, the concept applies to time, as in the “Set Apart” Day of Shabbat and the Chagim (Feast days - appointed times of YAHWEH), in the “Set Apart” Land. It also applies to language, as in the Kodosh (Set Apart) Hebrew Language, called so because it is the language of the “Torah”, it has no profanity, and among many other reasons, it is more than a set of symbols, for example; the word "light" in English is merely a symbol for the real phenomenon of light, whereas the Hebrew word for light, "ohr."
2) A section of the Jewish Prayers when in the midst of the repetition of the Central Prayer by the Leader of the Prayers, the Congregation assumes the role of the angels and praises YAHWEH with the three-fold repetition, "Kodosh, Kodosh, Kodosh “ (Set Apart) is YAHWEH of ARMIES! The Whole World is Full of His Esteem!"
Ketubah |
Literally, writing. The marriage contract between spouses win married |
Kiddush: |
Blessing over wine |
Kippah |
The skullcap worn by the men of Yisrael, more commonly known as a yarmulke |
Kislev |
The ninth month of the year, occurring in November/December |
Lashon Ha-Ra |
Literally, the evil tongue. Sins against others, committed by speech. (such as defamation, gossip, swearing falsely, and scoffing) |
L'Chayim |
Literally, to life. Words spoken during a toast |
Lo-Ammi: |
Ma'ariv |
Evening prayer services |
Malach: |
Angel, Messenger |
Malachah: |
Work (for our own sustenance, personal gain; what is forbidden on the Shabbat) |
Malchut (kingship): |
Sovereignty, the tenth sifrah of the ten sefirot of YAHWEH, corresponding with mortal middot; acts as a transitional link to a lower world Kingdom, - (Malchuto = His reign) |
Mashiach: |
Anointed One of YAHWEH (incorrectly called Christ)
Matzah |
Unleavened bread eaten during Pesach (Passover) |
Mayim: |
Water(s) |
Mayim Chayim |
"Living"/running/flowing water |
Mechitzah |
The wall or curtain separating men from women during religious services |
Megillah |
Literally, scroll. One of five books of the the TaNaK (Hebrew scripture; Ruth, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations, and Esther). The remaining books are referred to as sefers (books). Usually refers to the book of Esther |
Melekh: |
King, sovereign |
Menorah: |
A candelabrum. Usually refers to the nine-branched candelabrum used to hold the Chanukkah candles. Can also refer to the seven-branched candelabrum used in the Temple. |
Messianic: |
A collective group or body of people that believe in the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world (YAHshua). They believe in and stand on the unadulterated Word of YAHWEH which includes the ToRaH, TaNaK, BRiT CHadaSHaH. (for more information/material, contact us) |
Mevaser: |
One who brings glad/good news (besorah) |
Mezuzah |
Literally, doorpost. A case attached to the doorposts of houses, containing a scroll with passages of scripture written on it. |
Midrash |
A time of TaNaK study with others. To seek out, or to investigate/deliberate scripture |
Minchah |
Afternoon prayer services |
Minyan |
The quorum necessary to recite certain prayers, consisting of ten adult men. |
Miqvah/Mikvah: |
Ritual purification bath (immersion) |
Mishkan: |
"Dwelling place", tabernacle |
Mitzvah: |
A singular teaching within the 613 Mitzvot, order |
Moed/Moedim: |
Hebrew word(s) for "Appointed time (s)". (for more information/material, contact us) |
Navi |
From a Hebrew root meaning "fruit of the lips". A prophet. A spokesman for YAHWEH, chosen to convey a message or teaching. Prophets were role models of being (1) SET APART (Kadosh), (2) scholarship, and (3) closeness to YAHWEH. Also: A section of the Tanakh containing the writings of the prophets |
Nefesh: |
Soul, life, desire (resides in the blood) |
Ner Tamid |
Literally, continual lamp. Usually translated "eternal flame". A candelabrum or lamp near the ark in the synagogue that symbolizes the menorah in the Temple |
Netzach: |
(a) lit. “eternity; conquest; victory” - (b) The seventh sifrah of YAHWEH, [emotional attributes] corresponding with “mortal middot” [spiritual emotions] |
Nisan |
The first month of the scriptural year and the seventh month of the secular year, occurring in March/April |
Olam: |
Age, Universe, World, Eternity |
Or: |
Light (order, spiritual light of YAHWEH) |
Oseh: |
One who does/makes; making; doing |
Paganism: |
Any individual(s) or nation(s) that serve anyone or anything other than YAHWEH, the MIGHTY ONE OF YISRAEL (for more information/material, contact us) |
Pirkei Avot |
Ethics of the Fathers |
Qadosh /Kadosh: |
Someone or Something that has been SET APART by YAHWEH, for HIS service and use |
Qodesh / kodesh: |
Descriptive title of YAHWEH Himself as the SET APART ONE Alone |
RabbiYAH |
Teacher of YAHWEH. Rabbi (Hb: means Teacher), YAH is the short form of YAHWEH therefore RabbiYAH means: Teacher of YAHWEH |
Replacement Theology: |
An attempt by other (religious groups or individuals) to replace Yisrael as the "chosen of YAHWEH". Those who get involved with this pseudo practice have followed the Anti-Semitic trail of those who hate Yisrael. This includes many Church father and denominations within Christianity. (for more information/material, contact us) |
Rishon: |
First day of week "Yom haRishon". Was changed to Sunday in honor of the Sun deity ZEUS |
Rosh: |
Head |
Rosh Chodesh: |
New Moon |
Ruach |
Spirit, breath, wind |
Ruach HaKodesh |
The "Set Apart Spirit of YAHWEH" (incorrectly called Holy ghost and Holy spirit by non-Hebraic translators and transliterators). YAH is the short form of YAHWEH, RUACH(Heb) means: Breath/Wind/Spirit, KODESH (Heb) means: Set Apart. This is the "SET APART SPIRT of YAHWEH. |
Ruhamah: |
Compassion, Pity |
Sameach: |
Joyful, glad (e.g., Chag Sameach!) |
Sasson: |
Gladness |
Shabbat: |
The seventh day of the week. Father YAHWEH has SET this day APART as a Moed (appointed time) for Yisrael to keep their appointment with HIM. |
Shaliach: |
Sent one (shalach=send; Shiloach=sent) |
Shalom: |
Well being, wholeness. A blessing that is proclaimed and pronounced upon Yisrael. It's more then hello, good bye or a greeting. (for more information/material, contact us) |
Shamar: |
Observe, keep, watch over, guard |
Shamayim: |
Heavens, sky, a domain of 7 levels, sometime incorrectly used as a substitute/replacement for the name of YAHWEH in Replacement Theology |
Shanah: |
Year (HaShanah= the year) |
Shekhinah: |
Dwelling presence of YAHWEH upon or within people and/or places |
Shem: |
Name |
Sheva: |
Seven or an oath; completion |
Sh'ma: |
Hear, listen, hearken, obey |
Shofar: |
A horn of an animal, used to blow as "the voice of YAHWEH" (not a trumpet or man made instrument) |
Shomer Israel: |
One who keeps and watches of Yisrael with simchah (joy) |
Sin |
ToRaH-less-ness, Breaking the 613 Mitzvot (teachings, instructions, guidelines, directives, insights) of YAHWEH that are found in HIS ToRaH
Soul, levels of: |
The five terms that Scripture uses to refer to man’s soul; each soul term denotes a different gradation of the soul in ascending order from Nefesh to Yechidah: (1) Nefesh is the basic natural soul in general, and specifically relates to the soul’s basic or external manifestations in terms of the faculties of thought, speech and action. (2) Ruach (Spirit) and (3) Neshamah (Soul, Breath) are the spiritual life-force in man, relating to the Middot and Mochin respectively. (4) Chayah (Living), often also referred to as Neshamah leNeshamah (Soul of the Soul), is the sublime root for the lower three grades. (5) Yechidah (Only One; Unique) is the quintessence, the spark of YAHWEH as it were, the ultimate source of the soul — compounding yet transcending the lower grades. The higher grades of the soul are latently presenting the Nefesh, in proportionally increasing concealment, but it will become ever more manifest — to the point of conscious awareness — by man’s continuous self-improvement and spiritual ascent. |
Talmid(ah): |
Student |
Talmud: |
Book of Learning, expands on the Mishnah and Gemarah writing of Yisrael |
TaNaK: |
The "T" stands for ToRaH, The "N" stands for NeViiM (prophets), The "K" stands for KeTuViiM (writings). The goyim church incorrectly replaced it with the word "Bible/old testament". |
Teshuvah |
Return through repentance |
Tiferet (Harmony; Beauty, Compassion): |
(lit,. “beauty”) the sixth sifrah of YAHWEH, corresponding emotional attributes in the human soul; fuses the influence of Chesed and Gevurah and reveals a light that transcends them both; often identified with Mercy. |
ToRaH: |
First 5 books of YAHWEH that were given to Mosheh on Mount Sinai for the People, Nation, and Land of Yisrael. The goyim church incorrectly replaced it with the word "Pentateuch".
The first five books of ToRaH are: (1) Bereshit/Genesis, (2) Shemot/Exodus (3) Vayikra/Leviticus, (4) Bamidbar/Numbers, (5) Devarim/Deuteronomy
Tree of Life |
From a Hebraic stand point the TREE OF LIFE is synonymous with the Image of YAHWEH. It reflects HIS 10 characteristics, attributes, traits called the Sephirot. These 10 characteristics, attributes and traits are also the Image that every should strive to reflect in their souls. |
Truth seekers: |
Those who are continually seeking to do what YAHshua did...... "Walk according to the ToRaH of YAHWEH". (for more information/material, contact us) |
Tsadiq: |
A person that walks upright before YAHWEH |
Tzedakah / Tzedaqah: |
Righteousness/Charity (for the poor) |
Tzion: |
"Zion"; mountain at site of Jerusalem |
Tsur / Tzur: |
Rock (place of refuge) |
Unleavened: |
In HEBREW the word is "MOTZI" or without leaven. It suggest being "pure", unmixed with anything that defiles. (for more information/material, contact us) |
Unleavened Messianic Faith System: |
A people dedicated towards "living a ToRaHful" life. A Faith System that is unwilling to mix the Emet (truth) of YAHWEH and HIS ToRaH with a Lie (this includes the lies that have crept into Christianity such as: Jehovah, Jesus, Lord, God, Christ, bible, ghost, holy, Iesous, Iesus, Kyrios, Khrisnah, Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Sunday worship, and any other lie of hasatan who is the adversary). |
YAHchad: |
Unity (based on Echad), YAHWEH is ONE |
YAHoheynu: |
The descriptive attribute of YAHWEH'S justice |
YAH-Ruach Kodesh |
The "Set Apart Spirit of YAHWEH" (incorrectly called Holy ghost and Holy spirit by non-Hebraic translators and transliterators). YAH is the short form of YAHWEH, RUACH (Heb) means: Breath/Wind/Spirit, KODESH (Heb) means: Set Apart. This is the "SET APART SPIRT of YAHWEH. |
YAHshua: |
The Name of the son of YAHWEH. The Name has within it: the Name of Father YAHWEH (YAH), the Spirit of Father YAHWEH (Ruach through the "SH"), it proclaims "Salvation" through "SHUA", and it provides "Eternal Life through the Hebrew letter "Y and H". |
YAHshav: |
To sit, settle down, dwell (YAHshiva) |
The Eternal Name of the Heavenly Father. The Hebrew letters YHWH are called the "Eternal four letter Name". |
Yesod: |
lit. "foundation''; the ninth sifrah of YAHWEH, corresponding with mortal middot, or spiritual emotions |
Yisrael: |
The chosen people of YAHWEH. Father YAHWEH named them Yisrael when HE changed the name of Jacob (YAHaqov) to Yisrael.
Zarah |
Idol Worship |
Zecher: |
Remembrance (of a command only applicable in the Land); marked; male |