The Name of YAHshua
The name of YAHshua
Greeting in the anointed name of YAHshua the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world.
During this months issue, we will deal with the Name of every unleavened messianic believers salvation, and that Name is YAHshua.
In Acts 4:12 we are told that the Name of YAHshua is The Name of Salvation. The shaliach (apostle) Shaul (Paul) wrote in Phil. 2:9 that YAHshua is the Name that comes directly from the Father, and that HIS NAME is above every name. In verse 10 (of the same chapter) Shaul says “every knee shall bow at the name of YAHshua.
Note: If you are reading a revised - version of the bible, you will notice that the translators mislead readers by inserting the name “Jesus” into the text, but the name Jesus is not the authentic name that was re-vealed to Shaul (Paul) at his con-version on the road to Damascus.
In Acts 26:14 we read: “And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the HEBREW tongue.
This verse reveals that the one speaking to Shaul (Paul) did not say that His name was Jesus, because the name Jesus is not a HEBREW name. Jesus is a English name that entered into revised versions of bibles some 600 years ago. That’s right, the name Jesus was not the name of the Mashiach [MessiYAH]
2000 years ago. The letter “J” did not exist historically in any cultures language until the late 15th and/or early 16th century).
The language and name of the per-son that spoke to Shaul (Paul) in Acts 26:14 spoke to him in the HEBREW tongue. Matter of fact, the letter “J” does not exist in the Hebrew language or Alphabet to-day. As students of the Word we should understand that the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world had a HEBREW NAME that revealed exactly “WHO HE WAS”.
The Name of the Hebrew speak-ing Mashiach and Savior of the world Was and Is…
This Name (and this Name alone), reveals the fullness of who YAH-shua was as well as HIS FATHERS name that appears within it… YAH.
Let’s briefly look at this name to see what the Heavenly Father has revealed within it.
Every HEBREW LETTER within the name of YAHshua is filled with Hebraic insight and meaning (something that the name of Jesus does not nor could not reveal). The prefix within the name of YAHshua reveals two important things: (1) It reveals the short form of HIS FATHER’S Name (YAH) and (2) it reveals the meaning that the Heavenly Father poured into the Hebrew Letters “Y and H” (which means “ETERNAL LIFE).”
Just think about that for a moment. The Hebrew prefix of
YAHshua reveals that Eternal
Life is within His Authentic Hebrew Name.When YAHshua said ”I am come in my Father’s Name”, He meant It, because the prefix of His name
YAHshua validates the Name of FATHER (YAHWEH) within the name of HIS Son, something thatthe name of “Jesus” does not nor could not do.
The middle Hebrew letter of the Name of YAHSHUA is “SH”.This letter ““SH” (pronounced Shin) in Hebrew provides us with the descriptive meaning and in-sight of the presence of the Spirit of the Heavenly Father in the form of HIS Shekhinah.
In scripture we often read about the Shekhinah and/or presence of the Heavenly Father. In Yahchanan 14:17 we read that He (the Spirit of the Father) shall dwell in you.
Every believer that receives the authentic Hebrew Name of YAHshua also receives the Shekhinah presence of the Heavenly Father because HIS Spirit is imparted through the Name of His son YAH-Shua that now resides in their life.
The suffix of the Hebrew name YAHshua is “SHUA” which means Salvation”. When a Believer receives YAHshua into their spirit they are also receiving the Hebrew word “Shua”, which reveal that within the name of YAHshua is deliverance, for it truly is the NAME OF
YAHWEH’S SALVATION that is spoken in HEBREW YAHshua
In Luke 2:30 Shimon, a just and devout man, placed YAHshua as an infant, in his arms at temple and said: “Mine eyes have seen the Salvation of YAHWEH.
In Luke 3:6 the immerser Yahchanan (John) referenced Isa. 52:10 and said: “All flesh shall see the Salvation of YAHWEH”.
You see beloved, It is Only through the authentic Hebrew Name of YAHshua that the Salvation of YAHWEH is revealed, because His Name is the only Name that literally means “YAH” (the short form of YAHWEH) is “SHUA” (SALVATION).
It is my hope that this brief overview of the Name of YAHshua will help you stand in Truth and proclaim the AUTHENTIC HEBREW NAME of both the Father YAHWEH and HIS Son YAHshua.
Greeting in the anointed name of YAHshua the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world.