The Word of YAHWEH
Greetings in the anointed Name of YAHshua the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world.
During this months issue, I will discuss the subject matter of “The Word of YAHWEH.”
In 2nd Timothy 3:15-16 we read: “All scripture is given by inspiration of YAHWEH…”
To place the above scripture in its proper Hebraic context we must look at other scriptures and infuse
them with historical Hebraic facts.
Let’s begin by addressing the first part of Shauls statement, when he said “ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of YAHWEH.”
It should be remembered that during this period in history Shaul was not speaking about, nor referring to, the Brit Chadashah (incorrectly called “the new testament), nor, the pseudo copies of the Greek Septuagint - Latin Vulgate - Coptic and/or revised versions of non-Hebraic scripture that many reference today (the Bible). Shaul was speaking about a scriptural source that he, himself was quite familiar with [from the day of his birth]. This scriptural source was called: THE TORAH.
As a Israelite Shaul knew that the ToRaH was the constitution of
Yisrael, and that it was given to Mosheh by the MIGHTY ONE OF
YISRAEL (YAHWEH) who passed it down to Yehoshua, -
who passed it down to the elders of Yisrael, - who passed it down to the prophets, - who passed it down to the men of the great assembly.
Shaul knew that the “ALL SCRIPTURE” [spoken of in 2nd Timothy 3:15] was the INSPIRIED scripture of YAHWEH that was written with the finger of YAHWEH. He knew that the “ALL SCRIPTURE” [of 2nd Timothy 3:15] came out from YAHWEH HIMSELF in the language of HEBREW. Shaul knew that the ToRaH was given to YISRAEL as their blueprint for direction - teaching - guidelines - instruction - and pathways for life. Shaul knew that the ToRaH was the scriptural text and the Only scriptural source that provided Shalom (peace) for all Yisrael and mankind. Shaul also knew that all other religious sources and text throughout the earth, were inferior to the ToRaH of YAHWEH.
In MattitYah (incorrectly called Matthew) chapter 4 verses 4,7 and 10 YAHshua repeatedly said: IT IS WRITTEN. Once again we must ask ourselves the question: “what source document was YAHshua referencing when He said: IT IS WRITTEN ? [He surly wasn’t speaking about the Greek Septuagint - Latin Vulgate -or the Coptic and/or revised versions of non-Hebraic gentile text].
When YAHshua said “It is written” He was speaking about, more than a text that could be found in the OLD TESTAMENT. He was also speaking about the Source document that the text source was found in.
This scriptural text document was called the ToRaH.
When scripture says that YAHshua went into the temple and taught from scripture, we must ask ourselves the question: “What source document was He teaching from?” Beloved it was the ToRaH.
We must remember that Both YAHshua and Shaul were referencing a source document that they were quite familiar with because both of them were Jews and knew that; “ALL SCRIPTURE of YISRAEL” was given by “INSPIRATION OF YAHWEH”.
Now lets talk about how satan deceived, - distorted, - and tampered with the ToRaH.
Let’s talk about how he (satan) removed and replaced many KEY Names and Words within the ToRaH.
A brief synopsis
When non-Hebraic nations began to interject their own non-Hebraic cultural translations - transliterations and interpretive spins on the Hebrew ToRaH, they began a cycle of err that would impact religious folks for centuries.
When non-Hebraic nations began to compare the Hebraic
ToRaH of Yisrael with their non-Hebraic religious and cultural insights, they entered into a
downward spiral, because there is no other language or religious text on earth that is like Hebrew or the ToRaH. No other language - culture or religious text on earth has been endowed with the meaning and insights that YAHWEH has placed in the letters and words of the ToRaH.
No nation on the face of this earth has been SET APART by YAHWEH HIMSELF to reveal the truth of HIS WORD (ToRaH).
As unleavened messianic believers we must never forget that YAHWEH calls HIS written scripture the ToRaH [collectively it‘s called the TaNaK].
Note: The Hebrew word ToRaH means: teaching -instructions - guidelines - directions - and pathways of YAHWEH.
When a believer uses the word ToRaH they are acknowledging that it is this document that is providing them with the instructions - teachings - guidelines - directions and insights of YAHWEH HIM-SELF. When we as believers call scripture what YAHWEH calls it, we will then get the benefits that are found in the very name of the document itself (ToRaH).
The Hebrew word ToRaH also reveals the essence behind the giving of this document because the “OR” in TORAH is a word that means “LIGHT and ORDER” in Hebrew, Therefore, when a believer receives TORAH they are receiving YAHWEH‘S “Light and Order” for their life.
YAHWEH calls the entirety of HIS ToRaH: the TaNaK[spelled also TaNaCH - TaNaKH or TaNaK].
Note: Non- Hebraic interpreters of the TaNaKH renamed it: “the BIBLE”
Students of scripture should under-stand that Each Hebrew letter in the word “TaNaK” reveals order and has Hebraic insight as follows:
The Hebrew letter “T” stands for the word “ToRaH”, which is the first five books. The next Hebrew letter “N” stands for the word “Neviim”, which means Prophet. The third Hebrew letter “K” stands for the word “Ketuviim”, which means “writings.” By placing all these Hebrew letters together, we understand that the word TaNaK reveals the Teaching - instructions - guideline - Directions - and Path-ways for Yisrael and all mankind as spoken through HIS PROPHETS and HIS WRITINGS.
As unleavened Messianic believers the TaNaK chronologically starts with Bereishit (Genesis) and ends in Revelations.
Non-Hebraic interpreters refer to the TaNaK as the Bible. The only problem with this is, “the word “BIBLE” does not appear in scripture one time.
Another problem with the word Bible is the word itself. If you were to ask the average Christian: “What does the word BIBLE mean? ” they would probably say: “Book” and continue to explain
that it also refers to the paper or papyrus that was exported from
Egypt through the Phoenician seaport of “Gebal” [which the Greeks called “Byblos and/or Byblus]. BUT what they won’t tell you is that this seaport called Bablos/Byblus was named after a Phoenician fertility Sun goddess that bore the name of Byble/Bible
In or around 400 CE/AD the Scripture and Word of YAHWEH was changed from the ToRaH /TaNaK to the word Bible [just think about that for a moment….. Non-Hebraic interpreters and publishers, repackaged and removed the YAHWEH filled name of scripture ToRaH/TaNaK and replaced it with a pseudo pagan name that reveals a sun deity by the name of Byble (Bible).
Satan then convinced non-Hebraic interpreters to drop the “Y” in BYBLE and exchange it with the letter “I” that is seen in publications today.
The impact of this subtle - crafty and satanic interjection [Bible] has blinded the minds of many religionists today. They don’t realize that every time they use the word “Bible” they are summoning a demonic, - fertility goddess into their mist to fill them with foul - and unclean sexual demons.
No wonder the church is filled with congregants that are being bombarded with sexual problems from the pulpit to the parking lot.
Repent - return and begin to use the Authentic Hebraic Scriptural word ToRaH/TaNaK today.
The Word of YAHWEHGreetings in the anointed Name of YAHshua the Mashiach of Yisrael and Savior of the world.
Greetings in the Eternal Name of YAHWEH, who ALONE is the Creator - Sovereign King and - Ruler of the universe